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Our Mission

United Way of West Tennessee advocates for equity through Uniting agencies in ways that improve each person’s access to health, education, and financial stability.

Our Impact This Year

  • Agency Partners


  • Programs Funded


  • 2023-2024 Funds Secured


  • People Helped



United Way of West Tennessee proudly received a Community Impact Grant of $10,000 from the Community Foundation of West Tennessee. This grant will fund the All-Star Readers program, which aims to foster a love for reading among children from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade across 15 counties in West Tennessee.

United Way of West Tennessee is excited to announce the West Tennessee Volunteer Hub – an online database designed to connect local volunteers with service opportunities in West Tennessee. This platform is accessible to the community at no cost and will serve as the central hub of communication between organizations and volunteers.

  • Raven Ferrell Billingsby
    Raven Ferrell Billingsby

    I grew up in a dysfunctional family and was very confused. I did not know what a real family was supposed to be like. Because of treatment and United Way, I was able to give that opportunity to my son and the opportunity was given to me. I have been given a new life, and it’s unimaginable.

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