Community Resiliency


At the heart of United Way’s mission is the understanding that our future success begins with our youth. Our state and nation are in the middle of a reading epidemic, with less than half of third grade students reading on grade level in most places. To break cycles of generational poverty, improve academic performance, and foster a love of learning, we mobilized our resources to create educational programs for the next generation of leaders.



A woman is in a field looking at her laptop.

211 Hub

As an extension of the 2-1-1 emergency hotline, the 211 Hub is an online database for agencies and individuals to find and share resources. By streamlining information through one channel, it furthers collaboration among agencies and enables them to communicate with and serve the people of West Tennessee more effectively.

A mother is holding a Christmas gift and hugging her son.

Christmas Partners

Christmas Partners is an alliance of community organizations that collaborate to provide Christmas assistance to families in Madison County who need help. By receiving applications and preventing the duplication of services among our partner organizations, we maximize the number of families in need receiving assistance each year.

Two men are talking to each other.

West Tennessee Nonprofit Network

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, United Way organized bi-weekly Zoom calls with nonprofit leaders across the region. Since then, United Way established the West Tennessee Nonprofit Network to maintain that momentum of sharing important updates and continuing service coordination for those with the greatest need in our community.
