Public Reporting

United Way takes our role as a trusted community leader very seriously. As a result, we have a long tradition of adhering to very high standards of accountability and transparency.


United Way of West Tennessee agrees to participate in, and submit to United Way Worldwide, a community-driven self-assessment of its community impact, financial management, decision-making, and organizational governance. These assessments are reviewed by United Way volunteers, professional leaders and outside experts in areas such as financial management, governance, and ethics. United Way reports full revenue and expense data to United Way Worldwide for third-party review. United Way submits our annual reports, IRS 990 forms, financial audits and codes of ethics to United Way Worldwide for third-party review.


Each year, United Way engages the services of a certified public accounting firm to audit our financial records as well as prepare our IRS Form 990, the annual tax return for nonprofit organizations. Currently, the firm of CRS CPAs serves as our auditors.

To view our financials and annual report, click the links below:
