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Preparation for Ministry

Little did Betty Baker know that her versatile experience acquired over the years would prepare her for her role and ministry as director of WE CARE in Weakley County. Learn more about her story and our partnership with this organization.
How long have you been working at We Care? 

I began volunteering with WE CARE in 1988 while working in the Christmas store and teaching budgeting to a Mother's Day Out group that WE CARE sponsored. In 1997, the assistant director retired and I volunteered to fill that position until someone was hired. In 1998, the board asked me to serve as assistant director and in 2000 I became director.   


How did you come across this opportunity?  

Volunteering always opens doors for opportunity. In fact, I often tell college students to find a place to volunteer that will help them meet people in their chosen field. I believe that God had been preparing me for years for my role. At WE CARE, I have certainly been able to put all the various parts of my education to work - accounting, marketing, business, design, and even architecture. 

As director, what are your responsibilities at We Care?  

Whatever needs to be done - unloading a donation truck, sweeping the floor, speaking to ministry and support partners for fundraising, problem solver, ministry leader, event planner, staff training, social worker, working with the board of directors and our community - everything that every director of a small ministry does! 


What sort of services does We Care provide?   

WE CARE has 13 programs of assistance that include employment and education assistance, disaster relief, food assistance, and more.  


What is the organization’s mission?   

Our mission statement is "Offering the Hope of Christ beyond the Help of the Crisis.” This is our daily motivation that drives us to assist with physical needs and to spiritually encourage others that God cares about their struggles. 


What is the most rewarding aspect of working at WE CARE?  

I love people. Because of WE CARE, my life has been blessed daily. I am thankful God chose to place me in this ministry. It is great to turn out the lights each day and know that you made a difference. I have a million stories of people who have blessed me and who I would never have met if it were not for this ministry. 


How has partnering with United Way of West TN benefited WE CARE and your clients?  

Most people who are passionate about helping others are not fundraising wizards. We wear this hat because it is necessary to accomplish the work. United Way takes part of that burden off our shoulders so we can put more energy and efforts into our talents. They have been a resource for training and information from all over West TN. By investing in the lives of our clients, they have also helped us grow and expand our programs.  

Learn more about WE CARE here.

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