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Positive childhood development is central to our community’s ability to succeed in the future. We want to help ensure that every child in West Tennessee is given the opportunities to grow holistically. Our organization has identified four benchmarks for childhood success: Kindergarten Readiness, Third-Grade Math and Reading Proficiency, Middle School Leadership Development, and High School Graduation. Therefore, we have officially merged our current education initiatives to establish the Office of Childhood Success.


  • Child Care West TN, in partnership with United Way of West Tennessee, is a child care finder that connects families seeking quality child care in Jackson and the surrounding West Tennessee area with programs that have availability.

  • Handle With Care, a partnership with Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement, is a trauma-informed approach that provides heads-up notifications to school administrators of students who experience trauma outside of class.

  • MentorU

    Mentor U is a partnership between the five higher ed institutions in Jackson who provide mentorship and college exposure to local middle school students.

  • Rockabillys Readers is a reading-incentive program designed to encourage independent reading among kindergarten and third grade students in Madison County. The second challenge encourages students to read 20 minutes every day with a parent/guardian for five days each week for five weeks. Readers track their progress with the provided log sheet. Prizes will be awarded to those who achieve each mini challenge. In addition to the challenge prize, all students who complete the second challenge can attend a special field trip in May! This challenge can be paired with other district literacy initiatives. Click on the image at the top of the page to access the log sheet.

  • The READ Team recruits volunteers through local churches and the community-at-large to provide literacy assistance to 2nd graders with the aim of helping them attain grade-level reading skills by third grade.

  • Tutor U

    Tutor U will build upon United Way’s education work in Madison and Haywood Counties through high-dosage, low-ratio tutoring for first through third grade students. If you are interested in serving in enrolling your child (must be enrolled in a JMCSS school) in summer tutoring, scan the QR code located on the flyer below.

  • The West TN Afterschool Network helps ensure children and families have safe and nurturing afterschool experiences through advocacy and community resources.

  • As part of The READ Team, the WOW Wagon is a mobile library that provides free books for children in local neighborhoods and schools. The books are donated by the community and are available to those in Pre-K through high school.

Our Impact This Year

  • Agency Partners


  • Programs Funded


  • 2023-2024 Funds Secured


  • People Helped


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