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Common Goals, Stronger Community

What is your agency’s mission and purpose?  

Matthew 25:40’s purpose is to help facilitate every need presented to us. We try our best to improve the quality of life for individuals and families in need. Matthew is committed to promoting self-sufficiency among the people we serve. We also work to foster a sense of community responsibility among our clients.  


What is your role there? What are your responsibilities? 

I am going on six years here, but I have served as director for three. My responsibilities include ensuring our clients' basic needs are taken care of - such as food, shelter, and clothing. I try to address both their physical and mental needs in order to connect with the whole person. Matthew always tries to have food and clothing available, which is free to those who need it. Our community food pantry feeds about 700 people monthly. Financial assistance for basic expenses, like rent and medication, is also available on a case-by-case basis. I oversee all of these activities as the director.  


How long has Matthew 25:40 partnered with United Way?  

Matthew has partnered with United Way of West Tennessee for about 12-15 years now.  


How has partnering with United Way benefited your agency/community? What does this partnership look like?  

We depend heavily on United Way to reach and make an impact on those we serve. On our own, Matthew could only reach a limited amount of people. We love United Way; I love partnering with them. I love the staff because they are all passionate and eager to serve; they care about our needs and what we are doing. It is a great feeling to know we are connected with people who have the same passion for helping the community - not something you find everywhere. For us, this is more than doing just a few good deeds. This is a lifelong commitment to changing people’s lives, and we believe United Way has that same goal.  


What would you say to any agency/organization who is thinking of partnering with United Way?   

Partnering with United Way will benefit your agency 100%. This collaboration not only supports you financially, but also mentally, emotionally, and physically. They strive to integrate their goals with ours and find a way to get it done.  

Learn more about Matthew 25:40 here.

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